Tilting Furnaces for Melting and Casting Large Quantities of Metal into Ingots or Shell Molds

Designed For:

  • Melting large quantities, for example in the recycling sector
  • Casting large parts into shell casting molds

Indutherm TF series – tried and tested in foundries and precious metal merchants across the world:

Our tilting furnaces are mainly used in two areas:

1. for melting down large quantities of metal such as antique gold or manufacturing residues like casting waste, scrap or swarf. 30 kW output and low-frequency tuning means fast-melting even for large volumes, and excellent through-mixing.

2. for casting large, heavy components e.g. afterslip casting

The compact and highly cost-effective tilting furnaces TF 2000 and TF 4000

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The TF 1200, TF 2000 and TF 4000 models, which, like their predecessors, are used in the jewelry industry and in precious metal foundries, are completely new developments. They are equipped with new high-performance induction generators that reach the melting point significantly faster and ensure thorough mixing and homogenization of the molten metals. Depending on the model, the capacity ranges from a crucible volume of 1200 to 4000 ccm, corresponding to approx. 60 kg of 18 ct. gold.

The melting unit and crucible can be tilted and locked in position by the user at multiple angles for gentler filling. Such “soft pouring” also prevents damage to the crucible. Pouring off is continuous and gradual, using a pivot lever. The operator is forced to stand to the side of the machine – away from the dangers of the pouring-off area.
The new TF machines offer the same maximum outputs as their predecessors – but the effective power consumption for a comparable melting load is significantly lower.

TF 6000 and TF 12000 – Strong Performance and High Capacity

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Because of the large capacity and the potentially large weight, at the TF 6000 and TF 12000, the inductor/crucible unit is tilted by motor drive. The use of a joystick enables the tilting process to be controlled easily and sensitively. The joystick unit may remain at the machine, but can also be taken out and to be used as a remote control for casting from a safe distance. The 12,000 ccm usable volume of the crucible gives the TF 12000 an enormous capacity. The output of the newly-developed generator is of equally ample dimensions: 60 kW!

The generators (40 kW at TF 6000 and 60 kW at TF 12000) are fitted with a 32-bit micro-controller and are controlled via a console with an LCD display with full-text readout.

Sophisticated electromagnetic shielding ensures that the induction generated loses as little energy as possible. This way also the electrosmog load for users is drastically reduced.

The thermal insulation around the inductor and crucible effectively reduces heat radiation.